But alas, let us move on to the topic at hand... babies and birthdays.
For those of you that don't know I turned a whopping 27 years old on Wednesday. I had a wonderful day, birthday week for that matter and wanted to say a huge thanks to everyone that celebrated with me and made it so special! Sunday started with a fun shopping trip with my hubby (btw- he doesn't like to shop so this is BIG) and a swimming/ appetizer and dessert party in the afternoon. Yup, it was fabulous! A little sun, yummy-yummy dips and chips (actually everything that I really like at parties) and then ice cream cake!! Woohoo! The rest of the week was relaxing and filled with family time, dinner with friends, calls, emails, messages from dear friends and family and all sorts of fun.
As for the baby update, we got to see our little butter bean twice this week!! We had our third ultrasound (which included tests and screening for Downs-Syndrome, etc) on Monday and we got to see the little one. It was bouncing around and enjoying itself in there and was so COOL to see. I mean this ultrasound actually looked like a baby, the others resembled football like objects- which we didn't mind but... these ones were definitely cooler. I will post the pictures as soon as I get them scanned. The second viewing of the little was not so planned and well kind of freaky (note: everything is okay, with both me and the baby so don't worry). I had a little bleeding Monday night, is this too personal- I am not sure, which freaked both Jamie and me out. We called the Dr in the morning and were told that I needed to come in again (within Monday and Tuesday I spent 6+ hours at the Dr.'s office). After a 4th ultrasound (which was really cool too, I got to see two little feet and all of the toes- so adorable!!) the Dr confirmed that I have placenta privia; which means my placenta is really close to the cervix which caused the bleeding. The treatment plan, you ask? A pseudo, bed rest- yuck!! I have to stay off of my feet, actually am really not allowed to be on my feet for more than 10 minutes at a time. This is to make sure that I give the placenta a chance to move up above my uterus and for the bleeding to not continue. I am sure I am going to drive Jamie nuts by the time it is over, but it will be like training for having children- right? I mean they freak you out one minute and drive you nuts the next, the joys of parenting- believe it or not I really am excited!!
With that, I think you all are updated... until next time.
a picture from the pool party, because all posts are better with pictures