Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween from our house to yours!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Tiny Cartwheels Inside

I am doing Tiny Cartwheels inside- Homecoming is over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For those of you that don't know, I am the homecoming sponsor at my high school and well homecoming week and the month (or more) before homecoming I live at the school.  This is an exaggeration but not by much, my co-sponsor and I have even thought of purchasing bunk beds to put in our "office"- storage closet- so that we would have a place to crash sometimes.  Needless to say, I am finished with it and well, the sense of relief and joy is indescribable!!  We are moving on to other projects with kids but nothing quite as huge, it doesn't get much bigger than a dance for 1500 teenagers.  All is well now, I will actually get to see my husband other than just passing him in the hallway and sleeping next to him.  BTW- he was a HUGE help this weekend and I am eternally grateful.

More later- sleep now...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


This week is Homecoming spirit week at the High School where I teach and today was 70's/80's day- hence the above picture. Let me just say, that I am not sure why tights and leg warmers went out of style.  These little babies kept me calves warm all day, an obviously necessary task in Florida, and they are so fun to wear!!  Maybe I'll try to make a comeback with them...

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Very Bored Puppy

Tonight as I was completing the Study Guide that I have given to my English class on "The Pit and the Pendulum" (we are going over it in class tomorrow) Piper kept sighing and groaning at me, she does this when she is bored, until she finally settled-in and made herself comfortable on my school bag. Apparently, she thinks homework is as exciting as my 10th graders do.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Happy Birthday Jamie!!

Well my dear husband is 28 today!  So I have decided to tell you 28 things that I love about him and a few fun facts...
1. He is a geek and I mean a real and true geek!!  He even bought me a "I love my Geek" t-shirt, which I proudly wear.
2. He really cares about his job and believes in what he does.  This is not to say that it doesn't aggravate him from time to time, but he loves it anyway.
3. He loves our puppy, Piper, even though he will swear that he is really a cat person.  He plays hide and seek with her almost every night- I am not sure who has more fun with this.
4. He can dance and he dances with me every time our song starts playing on the radio (sometimes I play it just so he will dance with me).
5. He doesn't like to get his hands dirty.  Even if it is when he is fishing.
6. He will find every excuse in the book to not get up if Dolce (one of our kitties) has gotten comfortable in his lap, even if he has to do something.
7. He plays with the insides of computers- for fun.  I found him in the garage storage room the other day surrounded by computer parts with a huge smile on his face.  
8. He can fix my computer when it freaks out on me by simply looking at it- it is afraid of him.
9. He will put my toothbrush head on the electric toothbrush at night just so I don't have to do it.
10. He can tell me anything technical about my camera when I am taking pictures and he loves to walk around for the day with me to shoot.
11. When we get home from taking pictures he will label and tag each one of them in our library so they are easy to find.
12. He will help me decorate the house during each season, just because he knows that it will make me happy.
13. He is a music snob.  He can listen to a song pick out one specific instrument to listen to at a time (this is not part of the music snob thing, but I think that it is really cool trick).
14. He was in the marching band in high school and college, yup he was a Marching Chief and the drum major in high school.
15. He loves him some FSU football, even if they are not having a winning season.
16. He will drink any beer that I buy and put in the fridge.  I have been known to buy beers based purely on how "cool" the label looks and he drinks them all.
17. He loves his family.  Nuff said.
18. He doesn't yell at me when I don't want to ride my bike at super-human speeds.  BTW- this is how he likes to ride his bike.
19. He will do just about anything to help anyone, big or small.  He is the guy that will ask me to jump over to the drivers seat in the middle of the intersection so he can help someone push their car off of the side of the road.  Yes, this is something that I have done.
20. He is really handy.  Thanks to Dad for teaching him everything that he knows.
21. His favorite food is home made spaghetti (the recipe Memere uses) and he would eat it every night of the week if I let him.  But he will eat just about anything that I put in front of him and the things that he begs to make are the easiest to make.
22. He paces while he talks on the phone, he actually has a route that he follows in the house.
23. He keeps in touch with his grade school friends.
24. He has to read before he goes to bed.  He really likes to read the Sci-Fi fantasy books with wizards and magic.  Again, I told you that he is a geek.
25. The Wii is the first game console that he has ever owned.  He loves to play Mario Kart online with his friends and he gets really excited when he unlocks "new" things.
26. He has lunch every week with his Grandpa.
27. He knows me better than I know myself.  He knows that things are bothering me before I do.
28. He married me after knowing me for only 3 months.  Now that's love.

Happy Birthday Jamie, I love you!!!