For those of you that don't know, I am the homecoming sponsor at my high school and well homecoming week and the month (or more) before homecoming I live at the school. This is an exaggeration but not by much, my co-sponsor and I have even thought of purchasing bunk beds to put in our "office"- storage closet- so that we would have a place to crash sometimes. Needless to say, I am finished with it and well, the sense of relief and joy is indescribable!! We are moving on to other projects with kids but nothing quite as huge, it doesn't get much bigger than a dance for 1500 teenagers. All is well now, I will actually get to see my husband other than just passing him in the hallway and sleeping next to him. BTW- he was a HUGE help this weekend and I am eternally grateful.
More later- sleep now...
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